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Evans & Associates
Richland, MI -- Mar 21, 2006 --

Contact Information:

Michael A. Evans


(269) 615-6859




Evans & Associates


RICHLAND, MI–Evans & Associates, a full-service consulting firm specializing in Profitability Enhancement and Cost Reduction for small to midsize companies, is now located in Richland. The firm utilizes a unique multidimensional methodology that simultaneously encompasses growing revenue and reducing costs, no-obligation consultation, and fees based on actual value generated to clients rather than the standard hourly rate.


Michael Evans has over 20 years of extensive operations and cost reduction experience.  He has worked with numerous entities (foreign, domestic, international, national and local) of diversified industries including Manufacturing, Wholesale, Distribution, Construction, Financial and Professional services, and Retail organizations.  Representatives of the firm are seasoned, high-level executives with a proven track record of success in their field of expertise that provide a much greater level of performance than typical firms.


Mr. Evans can be reached directly at (269) 615-6859 or mevans@evansassociates.net to arrange a no-obligation consultation.




High-performance Profitability Enhancement and Cost Reduction Specialists

Copyright, Evans & Associates 2015